Sunday, October 03, 2004

*~crowning glory~*

I just came back from watching Princess Diaries 2. Pretty nice show. Left a warm fuzzy feeling in me, just like all other love stories would. =) But i don't get why she didn't start to date Mike (Lily's brother from the first show). But nonetheless i find the guy she fell in love with this time really cute! Blue eyes....

Reason for not blogging: I was dead tired after 2 consecutive late nights due to 2 consecutive oral presentations on 2 consecutive days. Yup...first was Physics which was a Powerpoint presentation. Next was ESL. I think i've redeemed myself for flunking my trials ESL exam by giving a flawless oral presentation. As in the speaking was flawless but how solid and sense making my points were is a different question. =)

Yesterday I was dragged to Pyramid by Michelle to join Jolvin and Yim Chan for a movie. Resident Evil: Apocalypse. More about this later. Before that we had lunch at Kenny Roger's. Jolvin dared me to finish up a bowl of mash potatoes with my toungue only. Meaning no use of utensils. The bet was a free movie. Bring it on. I licked the bowl squeeky clean. I guess the people in the restaurant were already giving me looks so i kept announcing "free movie ar!!" to make sure they know it was a dare!

Anyway, the show was sooooo gory and gruesome. It made me scream a billion times. Made me jump a thrillion times. There was this couple sitting in front of me. The guy being directly in front. He was really tall. So he blocked my view but for the first time, I'd say thankfully! Jolvin was laughing his head off watching me hide behind my little green wallet and my handphone. sheesh. He kept whispering "alien coming alien coming get ready get ready!" whenever it reaches that music.

Won't rhyme coz it's late. Tomorrow my friends and I will be splattered with mud and soiled with dirt. We'd be having fun! =)

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