Sunday, June 13, 2004


Is it too harsh for me to be mad
For me to feel like it's too much
Coz deep down I know I feel bad
But she's always acting like such!

I know it's all becoz she cares
Because she wants me home safely
But all moms care for children of theirs
I don't see them sick with worry

It's very hard for me to be angry
At least the rage doesn't stay long
Coz the feeling of guilt grows strongly
And in my heart hatred doesn't belong

So I can say i'm not angry with her
I just want to show her if i can
That year by year I'm getting older
I'm not a child, she cannot pretend

She brought me up just perfectly
My life has been just wonderful
I love her every second she's there for me
And the last thing I'll be is ungrateful

Just wondering if i'm really overreacting or she is. I know u guys thinks it's great that my mum cares for me so much. But sometimes, maybe it's kinda too much? anyway, some of u may find that i'm being ungrateful. Apparently according to this website, well here's what it says:

karen siah e-ling from this day forward
you will also be known as Ungrateful Leader

I'm not...i know i'm not...

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