Wednesday, November 09, 2005


this goes out to...

she who made a friend out of me

she who called me her best friend right after i showed her my diary which i wrote bitterly about how she had caught the attention of my, then, major crush

she who felt so bad about the whole issue till she could not sleep and had to send me an e-mail to apologize for something that wasn't even her fault

she who had the same gymrama skills as i all throughout our 8 years of gymrama

she who, because of that, became the partner i was stuck with for 8 years

she who knows just what to do, and when to do so without me saying so

she who calls me up just when i start to miss her but had second thoughts of calling her for fear she might have dating plans

she who thinks of me and asks me to go out at the time where i needed it most

she who always finished earlier than me for the event before lunch during competitions, but will stay back with me till i'm done so we could go have lunch together

she who calls me up before every gymrama competition or trip to do a checklist just in case she might forget anything

she who asks me to end the call so she could call me back because she has the post paid line while i have the prepaid one

she who makes me feel less of a dork when we're out with our gim friends coz we both know nuts about alcohol and clubs

she who agreed to do a performance for Corroboree with me eventhough she had doubts about it because she was afraid that messing up in front of our college peers would just mean social sucide (should u ask, i messed up in the end...not she *wink*)

she who wore my own prom dress more times than i

she who skipped her own school just to come for practise and perform for my school

she who gave me a blue elephant which i bring along with me almost everywhere i go

she who stayed up and watched Armageddon with me eventhough she was dead tired, plus it was her second time watching it

she who called me up just to let me know that she'll be free in the next 3 weeks because she's on study leave

she who has more same shirts as me than any other friend of mine because we both dig Buy 1 Free 1 and Buy 1 and get the 2nd for 50% off offers

she who tells me everything about her life

she whom i will dearly miss from the day she leaves for Glasgow

Happy 19th Birthday Lyn!

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