Anyway, I was initially supposed to model for the Fashion Show. But because I was working whenever they had practises, so I couldnt make any of them, and because they only needed 10 girls, so I didnt have to do it in the end. Which was fine except for the fact I now had to start worrying about my own hair and make up. And I had no hair pins, no hairspray, no proper rubber bands, and no proper make up set. I brought very very essential things over and it's really baffling how you never realise the little things you need from home until u go so far away from it. I thought to myself, nobody knows me here, i'm supposed to sink into the crowd and just enjoy myself anyway, doesnt really mater how i look right? So, i was gonna go with straight hair, and powder, eyeliner, blusher and lip gloss. thats all. Pretty decent already I thought.
But then Aunty Jane invited me over for lunch on Saturday and suddenly a light bulb came on in my head. Lily and Aunty Jane could help me!! So arrangements were made and yesterday morning I traveled happily to their house for lunch. Which was delicious fried meehoon and vegetables. =)
After lunch, the makeover session began. Lily and Aunty Jane got really excited. I had expected something really simple and easy, but 2 hours, 35 hair pins, and a litre of hair spray later, Aunty Jane and Lily had turned me into outright bedazzling hollywood star GLAM!
The ball was themed The Red Carpet. Which made my recycled dress very apt for the occasion. I was on the same table with Steph & Irvin, Abby & Alex, the emcees and Amelia, a pretty kiwi girl who reminded me a bit of Jojo the singer. I was surprised that Abby got us on the VIP table. We were right in front of the stage!
And there was a bar! hahaha sad that it wasnt an open bar, though. but yea, Irvin got me red wine, and I got myself a beer after that. Alcohol at a ball is so cool. ahhaa...=)
Anyway, I'm waiting for more photos from Abby and Irvin. But these are those I have on my camera.
*click for album*
I had fun at the UMSA ball. It was nice. =)