Friday, December 03, 2004

[ will powerless ]

scroll down and check the time of this post. 9.10 am?? the problem is it's supposed to be earlier! I was supposed to be up by 7.30 am! This fat pig needs to go jogging and she doesn't have an ounce of will power to pry herself from her bed at 7.30 am even after 2 alarms!!! In fact this is the 3rd morning of which I failed to wake up. I'm so pathetic. And i call myself a runner.

Yesterday I went jogging up ss18 and honestly, i did so badly my baby cousin could've laughed at me! I kept stopping to walk, i did half my usual distance, and i did not feel good after. I felt lousy! and today i couldn't even redeem myself. Gawd...

Oh well, need to wish some special people some special wishes:

happy birthday, EDWIN !!!

happy birthday, BAN LEE !!!

There u go. I feel better already! =) time to make my day productive...=) chowz!

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