Wednesday, December 29, 2004

* personal thoughts *

Class trip planned on the 14th of January 2005. It's in Genting. Should be real cool. =) What's even cooler is on the 16th, i'll be going for this. Now my only prob is...what happens in between the 2 events. =)

Spent the whole day sleeping or lying down. Ate only watery porridge. Gawd, if it weren't for the fact that I lose weight in the process, I swear food poisoning is by far the worst illness one can go through. Felt weak in the knees, and tipsy in the head all day. I seriously need to get back in shape if i wanna do reasonably well for the Trailblazer.

Got some update about a friend. A relationship just ended. Puts me in thought i would say. Relationships are hard to keep, aren't they? Good, long lasting ones are hard to find. But yet, many are started within a blink of an eye. Makes me wonder if the word love has its value anymore. May seem like a small issue now, but in the longrun, won't divorce rates increase even further than they do now? Think the phrase "till death do us part" would have to be editted to "till divorce do us part". Sad really...

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