Sunday, September 02, 2007

1st Circle K National Convention finally over and done with!

On September 1st a total of 74 Circle K participants and approximately 13 Kiwanians from around the country signed up and participated in the Inaugural Circle K National Convention in KDSF. We had targeted 100 at first, but from the feedback and follow ups, we were expecting a sum of about 65. so expectations met.

The guests seemed happy, no major upset happened. I was so afraid that I'd have an arduous day, running up and down, applying extensive problem solving skills that I'd already prepared a "yes, sir...we're so sorry for the inconvenience" speech in my head. Just in case anything went topsy turvy for one reason or another.

The Kiwanians were pretty much satisfied, if not really impressed with the event. My parents met with some of them and they had good things to say about me, so that's great. :)

And my committee members and guests were all very very cooperative. I really do hope they are not frightened by this event (or by me). I did try my very best to be as diplomatic as possible in my leadership.

I think the event was a success, if i should say so myself. It was a very commendable effort. The timing could've been better i.e. longer time for me to organize and plan and catch hold of participants from the various clubs, but despite the short time period, what we came up with was great!

My friends who came to support me, Ati, Yanyee, Dektos, Grace...u guys are the best! Thanks so much! My parents who came for the dinner (albeit it being slightly messy and disorganized), thanks so much for listening to me whine and complain, and then sitting next to the Governor of Kiwanis Malaysia. My brother who contributed RM100, thanks kor!

I guess I have one little secret to share. Even though i seethe with annoyance and anger throughout the planning and controlling phases of this event, I thoroughly enjoyed organizing it. It may be self-centred for me to say this, but i did it more for me than for anyone else. It was the first convention. You can organize a lot of things, but rarely do you organize the first. It'll go down in history...I'll go down in history! And I have to admit, i enjoyed the limelight. I enjoyed the congratulatory handshakes and the pats on my back. So much so that i believe my face glowed with pride even with my puffy eye bags and weary expressions.

Natcon was a success! and Circle K of Metropolitan college made it happen! :)


Anonymous said...

hey karen...congrats on the Kiwanians event & Shah Alam 10K!

Spoke with u yesterday @ shah alam 10k ..we were running up the hill (KM2-3) at that time...haha sorry for slowing u down though..U r fast!!!

galnexdor said...

oh hello! haha sorry i didnt get your name...

nah u werent slowing me down. i was having a not-so-good running day to be honest...was trying hard to keep my pace up...

but nice meeting u!