hmm...maybe screaming out aloud that i love tags wasn't such a good idea...haha...but who am i kidding. tags are fun no matter what...:)
this time around i'm
tagged by -ryn-. This tag is quite different though. A bit hard to oblige some more. here it goes, the contents of my heart for your reading pleasure...
8 things about your perfect lover 1. Averagely good lookingBy this i mean, taller than i (even when i'm in heels), straight hair (because God forbid my kids should have curly hair next time and go through what I go through for vanity), averagely sharp nose, a rather tanned complexion (i'm sorry i just can't date
pak cham kais coz they don't look manly enough), and a toned, lean body with abs, biceps and hemstrings which practically scream "Touch me!". muahahahahahah....... all of you who scoffed at me and called me shallow when u read this, i say
"Right back at ya!". It is only human nature to fall for something pleasing to the eye. Of course, time can change everything, and in the long run it is the personality that's left to make one happy, but who's talking about in the long run? The title says "perfect lover" does it not?
2. Leads an active lifestyleNow i'm not saying he has to be Iker Casillas (but I wouldn't stop him if he could), or Lee Chong Wei or Roger Federer. He just cannot be a couch potato. He has to do some form of exercise regularly enough. No, cyber games are not a form of exercise. Neither is golf in my opinion. If he could join me in races and hikes, even better. But at the very least, he has to like the outdoors. He has to be alright with getting dirty and cuts and muddied up. If I were to date a guy who starts screaming when he sees a bug on the floor, i'd buy him a bottle of Ridsect, and show him the door. I just can't take it. I'm sorry guys, but I still think macho-ness is a very important trait. Genuine macho-ness, of course. Not the cover-cover wan...
oh and he cannot smoke. I put this under 'active lifestle' coz most smokers, not all, do not exercise much. sides, smoking is unhealthy. and i don't do unhealthy. period.
3. SensitivityBy this I don't mean he cries at the movies (because I don't), or he PMSes, or he starts treating me like I'm incapable of doing anything! By sensitive man, i mean he gets me. He knows what I'd like to eat during which time of the day (coz i have a different taste every time). He knows if I would like to have a day out with the girls, or with him. He can tell when I'm mad, or sad, or emo. He can understand when i say i need to diet, he would HELP me and
not say
"For the millionth time you're NOT fat, now just EAT!". And i don't want all those open-doors-pull-out-chairs kinda crap. Seriously, I am one girl on whom chivalry does not work. He wants to be a gentleman, he can bring me adventure racing and wait for me at the finish line. Really, I wouldn't mind. I would in fact bust my ass to get myself there before him. THAT is what MY man would do. :)
4. Sense of humourwho doesn't love a funny guy? Everyone does. I don't care if he's funny all the time and never serious. Chandler Bing's funny all the time and i love him! ahahha....but he has to be good funny and not lame funny. I know what my friends say behind the backs of lame boyfriends/girlfriends. I don't want them saying stuff like that about my boy, nu-uh.
5. Great with kidsIf there's one thing i detest most in guys is if they hate kids. How can you hate kids? Kids are the best determinants of a person's patience, of a person's responsibility. A guy who is great with kids is a guy who is in touch with his inner child. And that is one thing you should always always alwas be in touch with! You
have to be great kids!
6. Non-thalassaemicyes, thanks to my recent discovery, i shall now always have this criterion in my list. Thalassaemic only, means out! no, i'm not enjoying this either...*shrugs*
7. Smart and ambitiousYea. I do appreciate brains. Smart people impress me. They fascinate me. They don't need to be geniuses. They just have to be hardworking and not flunking out of school/college/uni. They should love what they're doing, and would not try to flunk out. They must also have ambitions. They must have a future in mind. DVD peddling is not a career. Neither is being a professional sportsman, i'm afraid. Unless, once again, he's Iker Casillas. :)
8. Loves his family and friendsI think this is by far the most important trait. He has to love his family and friends. I really wouldn't date someone if he has issues with his family. Because however he treats his family, he would treat mine. If he's a filial son, he would be a filial son-in-law too. If he is a true friend, he'd be a true friend to my friends too. I can't imagine going out with someone who's a loner, who has no friends, who hates his life and the few people in it. He has to be warm and friendly and kind to everyone. If possible, he should come from a close-knit family. I realise that people who do, are very loving and kind. that i've said it all, i think it is pretty obvious why i am currently not seeing anyone. i'm picky. my criteria is hard to meet. I suppose i could give and take a few. But this is a case by case scenario. :)
p.s. My rashes aren't doing too good. have yet to visit the doctor because my favourite doc is out of town.
*edit* 1.19 am - omg! I know what's wrong now! I googled the name of my medicine and found that I've got hives! it's a side effect of my antithyroid drug! now wondering if i should stop my dosage immediately. I'm not supposed to. And Dr Loo only comes back on the 25th!