Monday, April 03, 2006

hello there...

hello you, how have you been?
for it's been so long since we spoke
i can only dare to look upon the screen
and your name is all that i have seen
since the last time the silence broke

how am i? if you'd like to know
life has been treating me well
my diligence seemed to grow
times have been good but slow
and i'm doing okay, you can tell

if you could see me, right here right now
you'd see that i'm lifting my chin up high
no longer shall i cling on to "how"
"why" and "what if", no i wouldnt allow
no need for times to cry

if you could see me, walking around
waving to friends that come by
a trace of pain could not be found
no, may gaze no longer on the ground
my smile, no longer a lie

but if you could see just a little deeper
and if you could listen just a little longer
if you could talk to me a little more
and if you could see right to the core

you could see just a little clearer
you could see that i'm trying very hard
and i've not gotten any happier
i've only become a better liar
and that everything, is just a facade

to no one in particular...just realised its been so long since i wrote a poem. and the blog is called poetically me. so thought i'd oil the rusty skills abit...:)

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