Tuesday, August 01, 2006

visual overload

yea i think i've been flooding my blog with far too many pictures. And far too many stories on my races.

well for the next couple of weeks i won't be racing. college just started yesterday. at precisely 8 am in the morning. waking up was, inevitably, a drag. it felt strange to be back in college. felt even stranger to write. my friends were already making plans for a big Friday night dinner at Shogun. well, i've got gim class with the RSGs. so i gotta skip that. it's ok. i figured binging is out of topic for a while. and any form of exercise is very much appreciated.

Circle-K seems to be very active this semester. we've got a lot of things lined up. though i'm grateful for the extra colour to my mundane college life, i feel like i've lost the touch. it was an all too familiar rush of thrill to start organizing again, to plan, to delegate, to make decisions. yet i'm doubting myself. i guess it's true i've lost a bit of my perkiness. now it seems a bit of my self esteem went along with it. hmm...

this is quite a pointless post. now that the high of races has eased off, i find myself stepping on solid ground again. solid, cold, harsh ground. *frowns*

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