Wednesday, August 02, 2006


when i was in PD, i saw a huge poster on the wall of the PD Marina apartment. it was Desiderata. no, it's not a hotshot of Hollywood with a wicked name. it's a poem. a poem i learned from the interviewers of United World Colleges. i attended the interview in 2004 and during the open discussion, someone mentioned Desiderata. about how much you can learn from it with just one read. at that time it seemed so weird that a poet would name his work so abstractly. when i went home, the first thing i did was to google it. after reading it, i completely fell in love with it. the poem did not rhyme. but it had so much meaning to it. it was pretty overwhelming for the words he used were simple yet piercing. it's the kind of thing that makes one nod with agreement while reading it. it made me want to spread it to the entire world because it's just so true!

Desiderata is famous. the poem has become its new meaning. speak of it and people will naturally relate to the poem. such is the impact of it. truth be told, i only just found out the meaning of the term desiderata.
n. pl.
Something considered necessary or highly desirable

Go ahead and Google it. Desiderata by Max Ehrmann. and you'll see what is highly desirable.

On a lighter note, abstracticity (if there's such a word) really impresses me. While abstract art may not call to my attention, abstract writings do. when i asked my mum to read Desiderata, i told her one day i'll write a poem where everyone would read and nod in agreement. and it shall also be hung up on walls and be quoted in texts. better yet. someone would turn it into a song (because everyone knows i can't sing for peanuts) and that song shall be sung by lovers across nations. ha!

Lisa Loeb is my greatest idol. she writes her own songs and every one of them have touched my heart. how does one write like her?


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