"Karen, do you have a boyfriend?"
"Are you looking for one?"
"What? No!"
Reason being she didnt want me to go flirting and frolicking around with a bunch of 15-17 year olds. Not like I would. I wouldn't even date a guy who's a year younger than I.
This year, however, if she were to ask me the same question i think the incident would turn out like this:
"So, Karen, do you have a boyfriend now?"
*giggles* "Still no?" *sniggers* "So are you looking for one?"
"No...of course not"
*laughs* "Maybe it's time you should..."
Do you reckon i should lie to save my pride? *shrugs* Well, in an hour's time, i'll be going to Mel's house in Kajang. Tomorrow i'll be leaving for OBS Lumut! See you guys in 14 days time with loads and loads of pictures!

seeing the picture made me miss obs suddenly.. hehe.. it was sooooo much fun!
omg there's no leaving OB la...i cant part with it
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