tossing and turning in the still night
squeezing my eyes in persistence
with all focus to shut out the light
louder and louder i hear the clock tick
faster and faster the cars seem to travel
my eyes dart around at every tap, every click
my ears hear sounds that was never audible
images of happenings throughout the day
words and words on white sheets of paper
louder and louder they murmur and say
slowly i feel my palms getting sweatier
a glance at the clock treads on my nerves
five am and not a single wink of an eye
tossing and turning under the covers
alone in the darkness i lie
yeap...for some unknown reason i was unable to sleep last night. at 5.30 am mummy and daddy were awake, and soon keith too. Keith was going to Paroi for the Ong Kee Hui swimming competition. i dont know which is harder, trying to stay awake when your eyelids weigh a tonne, or trying to fall asleep when your mind's as alert as a hawk. i think my final glance at the clock was 6.10 am and the next thing i knew sunshine was pouring in through the windows. it was well after noon and that pretty much spoilt my whole day. i was in no mood to read any HRM. then again, i really shouldn't be blaming mood swings now...
anyway, to be fair to both brothers i hereby congratulate my big brother, Kevin, for passing his Tax exam for his CA.

p/s: i better be passing all my 4 subjects...all this congratulatory wishes is making my ownself jealous.
Thank you, thank you! I'm so relieved, the thought of having to study the Tax materials again is just too painful. I'm sure you'll do more than pass, no pressure though.
i'm sure u'll do better than juz passing..all of us at metro know u too well to know that u'll pass and maybe score a HD in dun worry too much laa..
u'll do well..and better than expected..RedBox after exams??
kor: ahahha...well all d best for the rest!
poolerbuoy: ahah of course! u cut the songs this time...
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