Tuesday, July 25, 2006

weight woes

i'm having a BF! no, not a boyfriend...a Bitch Fit! take a look at these photos:

SJ Senior Prom 2003 * Metroball 2006

William's 2005 * Itallianies, The Curve 2006

Melbourne 2005 * Sydney 2006

PD Tri 2005 * PD Tri 2006

notice anything??? the puffy cheeks, the expanded waist, the overall bloating of me?! goodness gracious! what the hell did i do to myself?

ou know, weight has never been an issue for me. Never. i always figured i have a high metabolic rate, plus i work up a sweat regularly, so i never really put on much. Sure i eat like i was starved for a week. but we Hokkiens believe that the ability to eat is hock which means prosperity! but now that i look at myself, the prosperous look is really showing and it's not something i was aiming for!

this significant weight gain is actuall a side effect of my medication. According to Elaine Moore hyperthyroidism patients usually lose weight. Only a small fraction of them gain weight. The effects after treatment however is a reverse...[read more]

but for me, i didn't lose weight before treatment. and i'm definitely not losing weight now that ive started treatment. so it seems i've skipped an entire part of the disease life cycle! the weight loss part!? why?

yup...no more carbs for me. no more chocolates (sniff...goodbye my dear Lindt chocs), no more ice cream, no more sweets, and yes...way more running! way more situps! way more cycling! i'm dieting and this time i'm gonna see results! you cannot make me eat!

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