Saturday, May 24, 2008

the young ones

I've started working in Cosmotots. For the ignorant, Cosmotots is a child IQ development center. In layman term, its an English class for kids aged 4-12 years old. Kids are taught to speak, read, write and listen.

I can honestly say, I have never had so much fun at a job before. Not even when i marshalled at Camp 5, not even when I was a gymnastics coach. Kids who come to Cosmotots are the most adorable things in the world! I love my job!

I basically teach kids 8 years and below. Some are extremely bright, some take some time to grasp things, others simply grasp..literally. haha...everyday it's a different experience. When people say kids say the darn'st things, they mean it. It's true! I have not had one dull moment when i'm with the kids in the classroom.
even when i'm in the staffroom, marking their books, i chuckle to myself at the silliest things they write. it's just tickling when you see how kids interpret certain instructions from you different from each other. I've only been there a few days but already I'm trying to change the way I speak to children.

I've learned that:
1. Kids are afraid of being kissed. "I kiss you ar!" is actually a penalty. =D
2. Kids are smart. After analyzing your behaviour for 15 minutes, they can pretty much figure out how to deal with you to get what they want.
3. No matter how tough they act, they ALL have a soft spot. Knowing this can be your greatest weapon.
4. My daughter shall never wear pink and fall amongst the gazillion other little girls who wear the same colour. My son shall be taught not to swear and curse because nothing ruins the adorablity factor more than a curse word.


Unknown said...

OoO...Happy Belated Teacher's Day!!

I can soooo imagine the 'funness'

Wengie said...

working in clubmed teaches you more than just that

Jayson Yong said...

and now you're a cikgu? hahahaha
cikgu siah