Saturday, March 20, 2004

~from a distance~

Have you ever locked your eyes
On someone once you've spotted him
And silently wished that the moment
Lasted on like a dream

Have you ever felt as though
The sight of him always catches your eye
No matter how fast you viewed the place
And to figure out his thoughts you try

Have you ever felt that sometimes
You think you see him walking towards you
Only to find out he didn't notice you
Leaving a sense of pain inside you

Have you ever felt that at times
Thousand and one things arise in your mind
Things that you want him to know
Things that you just can't leave behind

Have you ever felt what it was like
To be watching and wishing for an instance
That he would also be in you place
Watching YOU from a distance...

Still liking him here...but dun worry...i'm already avoiding eye contact and coversation. so in due time i will forget him and move on. =)

Thanks for the lovely comment Smile king. ;)

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