Tuesday, August 09, 2005

my stride

ain't nothing gonna break my stride...
ain't nothing gonna slow me down...oh no...
i gotta keep on moving!

i told myself that i will do a total of 21 km this week. Today i kick started my running regime again. screw the haze. i breathe it in whether or not i run anyway. however, traffic poses another threat. Jalan Kewajipan was at a bumper to bumper crawl from Summit all the way to the roundabout today. so i hit the SS18 hill instead.

i forgot how rewarding it was to run around my neighbourhood. for one thing, the hill is a great place to train my uphill running. and for another? i meet people i know. people who, unlike the hardcore runners at the lake, aren't so hardcore at running. :) Trudging around the SS18 basketball court i bumped into Thean Aik. haha...nice meeting him there. We were moving in opposite directions for a round and a half, and then he turned around to run alongside me. And we started chatting and all. So i think he's cute. :) Sue me. The guy looked good! and any cute guy who was running will be eye candy for me. Let alone one that ran with me and know me personally. haha...he's a nice guy. we talked about him going to Melbourne next year, and me confined to dreary Subang Jaya, and how he regrets doing science now, and his girlfriend being in Brisbane. hahaha there really ain't enough nice, good looking, athletic guys to go around. :)

after doing 5 rounds, i told him i was going back down. which was a good thing, since the both of us were breathless already from all that talking while running. and that was when we split. story of my day. :) haha...

oh wait...coming down the hill i saw a very familiar figure. Didn't dare say anything till i passed by and had a glance at his face. Rajan! fancy meeting him taking a walk around the neighbourhood. haha...i gave him a brief "Hi Rajan", but seconds later i heard loud stomping behind me. He kept up and we spoke a bit. Nope...he got tired after a while so i didn't have another conversation while running. haha...how la Rajan?? tsk tsk....:)

came back home and felt good of course. Told my mum about Thean Aik, to which she responded "Oh that handsome boy ar?" see, i'm not the only one who thinks he's cute. And believe me Pn. Yeo doesn't think many guys are cute. haha....

alright. i'm just done with my Biz Stats homework. The effect of that large glass of cappuccino is starting to wear off. Topping off this post, here are some pictures i took at the studio. Comments are appreciated. However, do not point out the obvious such as my face is fairer than the rest of my body, and all my flaws have clearly been photoshoped away. yup...:)

-->Studio Photos<--

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