Saturday, October 06, 2007

marathon schmarathon...

Ever since i signed up for the Standard Chartered Marathon, i have been pressured to train. And you might think that that is a good thing. Added pressure = more training done. But when i'm concerned, that's usually not the case. when i pressure myself, i whine and rant and throw fists around because i feel pressured to do something i don't want to do. which, needless to say, results in 3 times out of 5 that i don't go and train. And because of that, i seriously lack training. I am no where near even the preliminaries of marathon training, and i have only 56 days left!

i sound exactly like a baby, i know. But it's just me. i.can'

anyway. on the bright side. i'm still doing more than i do on a non-marathon-training basis. so i guess it's still ok. (just say it's ok and i'll spare you my wrath) and even though i was only sick for a day, i'd like to think that i needed a few days off to find my pace again. =)

well tomorrow is the Adventurun that is organized by the Sky Adventure Club of TBS. SAC was Beatrice's club in college, and i followed them once to Gunung Ledang, where i met Keeran, my race partner. The race is a 10km hilly route which takes place in Bukit Cahaya Sri Alam. I am once again a bully by default, because the age group ranges from 13 to 21 years old.

oh btw, i'm going for Powerman instead of Trailblazer. Feel a bit bad coz Keeran already went to buy new trail shoes and logged in some training even. sorry partner! but i have every reason to go for Powerman. obligations, mainly. so yea...Powerman it is!


  1. opps..posted my comment for the above post before reading this.. anyway, thanks for joining! :)

    and hey..i might join trail blazers :p hahaha.. i predict i would be walking the whole way..

  2. ahha with keeran? or with jo? i feel bad la...can u find keeran a partner? =)

  3. holla muchachaz~~ powerman it is... c u there.. hopefully.

  4. ahhahaha now that im going neeza u BETTER be there!

  5. havent been into running those long distance thingy since my college days, once a while here and there but still it was like once in a blue moon.

  6. ahahah time to start again...=)

  7. haha.. with jo.. i think i might bail out :p haven't been doing anything but eat/sleep.

    Err.. seeing how fit keeran is, you are the only girl matching his fitness. susah to find another partner for him lah..
