Monday, April 23, 2007

staring into space

There are times in life when a person can feel so nonchalantly...stoned. This is one of those times.

Between thinking of the hideous amount of work i'd have to do for my assignments, and juggling with my newly restored gymnastic endeavours. Between coaching my overly hyped up girls and taking time to hang out with my friends. Between keeping up with the whole swimbikerun scenario and making it for all the Grease practices in college after classes. Between staying completely satisfied as a single and desperately pushing certain news about a certain someone who have found another certain someone out of my mind. Between all that mumbo jumbo, I am somehow miraculous (and worryingly, for that matter) at peace.

There's a voice at the back of my head, like always, taunting me to start on my assignments or go for a swim or choreograph some routine. But it is either i am amazingly confident or mind blowingly complacent.

"I've managed it before, haven't I?"

well, have i? i'm not sure. then again, any imbecile can see that the basis of this entire post is not about shirking the procrastinator in me. it isn't about how i struggle with my stiff splits and wobbly pivots. it isn't about how many times i've wanted to be absent at practise, but chose to make it anyhow. it isn't about how far ive run today or when i should seriously start jumping into a pool soon. and it is most definitely not about the frightening workload i'd be facing soon enough. (though I agree it really should).

yea...that little bit of information...that seems to have found a place in the depths of my mind, mocking me.


on a less depression-inducing note, Rosie, Lyn and I went to Ice Bar at Sanctuary last night! The little room wasn't what i had imagined, but the literal bone-chilling experience was fun! :)


  1. Eh I heard about this Ice Bar! I thought it was in Hong Kong or Singapore or some place but not in our KL!

  2. haha yea its in The Curve...but nothign much small room ni
