Wednesday, April 25, 2007

it's been more than a month...

since i was last nominated as Ms Metropolitan. I still laugh to myself when i say it out loud. I can't believe how fast time have flown. Really seemed like just days ago that I was cursing (silently, of course) in a fitting room in Jusco Mid Valley because Joyce called me at that precarious moment to let me know I was among the top nominees for Ms Metropolitan. And i can still picture the eager and crazily enthusiastic faces of Tisha and Shakti when i broke the news to them. Then, Aussie day seemed so far away.

But over the past 5 weeks I have diligently trained myself to regain whatever poise and grace i can salvage from my younger years. And I've been told I've somewhat "changed" in my appearance over the semester to a slightly more refined outlook. Not that I've tried, but yea apparently I did.

Well, Aussie day is here. in exactly10 hours time I'd be performing a little something that would either make or break my one and only chance of being crowned Ms Metropolitan. actually, to heck with the title. This performance would either make or break by social life in college! In fact, the more i think of it the more i think that a simple flop would be breaking more than just superficial friendships!

haha...yes not the drama (kim possible-esque). In short, i'm nervous. as hell. which explains the late hour.

someone please tell me to get a hold of myself!


  1. any updates on the results? good luck!

  2. ahah thanks beat!

    tmr night!
