Saturday, January 21, 2012

About a boy.

This is a post about a boy. He is someone whom I met a while ago, never really kept in touch with, but has recently reentered my life. He is really great.

This is how I describe him to my friends. On my first casual date with him, we hung out for about 5 hours, just talking to each other, with only 1 pint of beer. To be able to talk to someone for that long, without the influence of alcohol, and to go home feeling like I wanted to see this guy again, SOON, I thought that should count for something :)

He has this ability to put me in this happy, silly, daze no matter how tired I was after a long day's work. Spending time with him always feels too short-lived. I guess these are things you usually say about someone you just got together with, but I am saying these in all honesty and sincerity.

I just sent him off at the airport just now, coz he has gone home to visit his family for Chinese New Year. He'll be away for only 6 days, but already I'm starting to miss him. Gosh, I've got it bad, don't I? haha...

Happy new year, guys. :)


  1. As the Pink Ladies from Grease would say, "Tell me more, TELL ME MORE!"

  2. WOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!! i'm gna bug u one day for the goss!!

  3. I guess its half timing and the other halfs luck, wherever you are, whenever its right, you will come out of nowhere and into my life, and i know that can be so amazing, your love is gonna change me!

    "Michael Buble"

    I finally met you! :)

  4. did he have a car?
