Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Throughout the course of my stay here I have learned one thing. Anticipation sucks.

Anticipating something that is going to be SO GREAT, that is going to be AMAZING...is often enough to render me restless and edgy and impatient. And trust me, I think while I am here in Auckland, I live in constant anticipation of my return to Malaysia.

I know why I'm here. But I don't know WHY I'm here. If life is about pursuing happiness than my happiness is back in Subang Jaya, where my family and friends are, where my favourite foods are, where my favourite races are, and where I left my heart with a certain someone.

I know the journey is not far now. I have one last year to go.

Anyway, with less than 48 hours before I arrive in tanah tumpah darahku, I sit in a room amidst boxes, small and large, holding the little things that is my life here in Auckland, and a big red suitcase, holding the little things that would be added to my life back in Subang.

I'm moving. Again. For the 4th time. I should be a pro at this now. The only thing is I keep buying more stuff, so I gain more and more things as I progress. But I'm looking forward to living in this new place. With new furniture, new pots and pans, new fridge, new washing machine. =)

I keep eating. Study periods are really bad in that sense. I have chomped down 5 little squares of cadbury chocolate, about 8 rice crackers, a cup of Milo and a tuna bun. Not because I was hungry. Well, I was in the beginning. But then it just became "something better to do" than to study.

I really am not a studious person, apparently. Bleh.

I can't wait to see the homies. =)

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