Saturday, May 22, 2010


Estoy enfermo.

I caught the flu. Winter 1, Karen 0.

I called in sick to work today, but I feel kinda sad doing so. Because that's $120 I'll be missing. Damn. I hate being a casual worker. No work no pay. But, on the other hand, I've not had a Saturday off in a long time. I wonder what I should do today. Well, I obviously need to do my report at some point. But right now I'm just soaking in the free time. =)

I'm hungry. But my throat does not like the idea of toasts, nor cold breakfast cereal. And there's nothing else u can eat here unfortunately. I miss kuey tiaw soup. I dreamt of my family this morning. I dreamt I was walking down the staircase, there were heaps of people at home, and I was snaking through them to look for my mum. Because she would know what to give me if I'm =(

I'm such a baby, right? Well, I could really use hot soupy noodles right now but I can't get any. Not at this time anyway.

I've slept for about 10-11 hours. But I still feel like sleeping. I'm not exactly sleepy, more I can't be fussed to do anything else.

meh. im gonna make porridge.


  1. Hey Karen! Yes Kuey Tiao Terng from mother is the best thing... If you can make it yourself that would be excellent. Or do like what I did when my oldest sister got sick when I was in first year (she's one of those "i'll just brave this cold out" people)--and make some form of chickeny soup and you WILL feel better, if only for the fact that you think "Oh I'm all grown up I can take care of myself when I'm sick". Tom yum soup paste also isnt bad for clearing nasal passages.

  2. haha hey li-ann! yeah, i thought of it. but ever since i board with this family i never go n buy groceries anymore because they cook for me. and their house doesnt have much. haha...they're very simple n health conscious people.

    anyway yea i had one of those sachet soups, which was kinda yucky...but does make me feel slightly better.

    now im wondering if i should've just gone to work. My $120! hee..
