Sunday, August 24, 2008

One Tree Hill

For a long time, I was a One Tree Hill addict. I was a huge fan of OTH and all its characters in the first few seasons. And then it got a bit too crazy and too out of this world but i continued to watch the series quite fondly as i was just so familiar with everything about it already. Btw, when's the next season coming out, anyone knows?I digress. When I heard there was a One Tree Hill i was really keen to go but i never got the chance to. I saw it from Mt Wellington, but i had not the time to make my way over.Today Ju Mei and her family asked me to join them for lunch. Ju Mei is Fang's cousin living here in Auckland, Ju Mei's dad is Pn Khoo's brother. =) They brought me to this really cool asian place with pretty good asian food, then brought me sightseeing! And when i heard we were going to One Tree Hill, i was ecstatic! When we got there, I was entirely taken away by this place Cornwall Park where One Tree Hill stands in the middle of. It is a VAST area of rolling hills and flowers and everything! And the best part was there were sheep! Wild and free! I saw baby lambs scattered everywhere!Then they brought me home for dinner, Ju Mei's mum cooked spaghetti! Today is probably the day I am most well fed i would say. =] and I had loads of fun. i was supposed to be studying though, coz i've got a test on Thursday. haha...Thanks a lot Ju Mei! *if she ever finds her way here*


  1. according to wikipedia, one tree hill season 6 premiere is on 1st September wor....i cant wait for next season....

  2. ehhh...the scarf i bought hehehe..really look good on u..:)-joey

  3. Ju Mei here! Omg I didn't know you had a blog!!! ><

    And that pic... haha I'm glad you enjoyed One Tree Hill! It was a good day for it luckily XD

    I'll be showing my folks this asap :P
