Thursday, January 17, 2008

a little note from work

so i've been slugging it out at this minuscule little matchbox called my office. it has been the same four walls i see everyday since i started work on Friday (yes, including Sunday) and i realised that i have actually gotten quite tired of it...of the bug infested computers, of the sight of packages and parcels strewn around, of the jumping pc mouse, of the phones ringing off the hook. And it hasn't even been a week.

work isn't mundane. work isn't exactly tough. work is just every single day. i must sound like the ultimate princess right now, but i've really taken a 180 degree turn on my social life and i am quite frankly taking some time to adjust to it. don't get me wrong i have worked before. in various places and industries. but never an office 9-5 (hah!) job.

Days in here start at 9 am every morning, and they go on till 7-ish 8 for me. yesterday it went on till 10. but before you drop your jaws, note this. i'm usually among the first few to leave. actually, forget "among the first few", i'm second to leave, at worst. Except for yesterday that is. so yea. At times, i stay in and pretend to look busy because nobody's budging off their chairs. Everyone i've said this to goes "that is sooooo Malaysian". Yes, Malaysian I am and Malaysian I'm...well, not so proud to be if it is for this reason.

I'd say this NOT to make myself feel better and make coming to work easier. but i really do enjoy this line of work la. It has been interesting and i really do learn a lot. and the people here are really nice:) i just need Dennis puts it, grow up.

So, it's Thursday. Tomorrow the event starts. Then comes Saturday. And finally Sunday. Beautiful, gorgeous Sunday. How much i long for thee...

huh? what sarcasm? *wink*

Anyway, back to work. Come to PWTC this weekend. Drop by the Celebrity Secrets area. I should be looking pretty important there. *smirks*.

p.s: Internet is down in my house. boo...

i miss you. i miss you. i miss you.


  1. haha, one week and you are feeling it already? What about the other 30+ more years of your life? :D

  2. oh hi... join my world

  3. ren, long way to go, like ur bro said....wat abt the 30+ yrs down the road. Enjoy wat we call working life!!!

  4. ahaha but...7 days a week? c'mon u all don't work 7 days a week!!!

    anyway, i like my job now. like during the event itself. it's REALLY fun. :) i guess i like the hands on part of working rather than the pre-plannign stages

  5. yes i have worked 7 days a week thanks...

    but that's great that you like your work right now
