Wednesday, December 26, 2007

catching up

let's put the rest of Phuket on hold for a bit. it's time to catch up.

i've been travelling quite a bit of late, which explains the long absence. i was in Singapore from 20th December till 22nd December. Went there with my family, to fetch my brother on the 22nd, at 3 am in the morning. then we jet straight off to Fraser's Hill, stopping in Subang for a few hours to rest. I of course slept most of the way. :)

Fraser's Hill was quite an experience. For one, it was the first time in a long long time the family tree was 99% complete. For another, we ate in Ye Olde Smokehouse for dinner, where the food came really late, the service was less than satisfactory, so was the food, and the electricity tripped like a gazillion times. And finally, the place we stayed in wasn't the cleanest place in town. but, the company was good. :)

Christmas eve was spent back here with Dennis. Christmas eve was awesome. Dennis met pretty much the entire maternal side of my family. I really do wonder what I've done to deserve him.

Dennis, you're amazing.

Christmas saw me at the Acts Church christmas play. They're really good. My hat's off to the production crew. In the afternoon was the yearly Christmas treat by Uncle Peter. Food was truly scrumptious! turkey and shepard's pies are slices of heaven. :)

it's 5.22 am. yup...feels like the festive season alright. :)


  1. i thought ye olde smokehouse's salmon sandwich and scones were awesome :)

  2. I went to Ye Olde Smokehouse many many moons ago.
    It used to be good, but from what u went thru it is now unpleasant.
    Hope ur enjoying graduate life.
    I see u hav a Perth countdown there, furthering studies?

  3. ling: well i think they couldnt handle the big number my family came in la...the food was quite alright. :)

    kwc: nah going there for convo only.
