Saturday, June 16, 2007


because the weather wasn't conducive for studying...

because i have finally recharged my camera batteries...

because i am disheartenned by the fact that some of my aussie educated friends are now done with their exams...

because the drawing was just so darn adorable...

i just HAD to post it up. i gave my gymnasts a test last week, asking them to write down their ball routine on paper and pass it up to me this week. One of my gymnast handed in this...

p/s: note very very green entrepreneurship book in the background. i have been studying okay. :)


  1. you'll soon get over with ur exams. no worries =)

  2. ahhh...superduperly cute la the drawing...the gymnast body looks like a ball too...haha...

  3. i tell u, the girl damn good tell a thousand words and she expressed it perfectly!

  4. lyn: ahahah yeala! aiyooo...i have this urge to give the girl extra presents for being so cute! but i have to remain professional...=)

    stupe: i know! ahahah she's 7 yrs old btw....soooo cute!!!!!!!
