Friday, April 06, 2007

Week 4

Week 3 analysis
- Mrs Khaw's carpets seem to have gone a lot thinner. Either that or my tolerence for bumps and knocks has really gone down the drain. Oh, and the carpets are full of sandy particles which makes it even more painful.
- did not stay long. headache. backache. thighs ache. knee ache.
- i've become a wussy gymnast.
- self esteem: worse than ever.

Week 4 analysis
- did a few practises before heading to class, thus more warmed up.
- wore "befitting" clothes this time. no more big baggy t-shirts to get in the way. felt my spirits lifting.
- forward splits are much much better i.e. almost back to where i was before.
- box split still not 180 degrees, but then again, it never was. i'm just happy it doesnt hurt anymore.
- back is now feeling the pain which comes from over arching. gotta be more careful.
- posture seem to have tightened a lot i.e. no more wobbly pivots.
- stole a few throwing ideas from Jun Mae. stole some simple AV moves too.
- i haven't sweat this much for gymrama in ages!
- self esteem: great! ive got a slightly more professional choreography prepared now. whoopee!

[2 more weeks! can i do it? can i? can i? i say...its time to kick some royal prom queen bums!]


A Famosa Tri is tomorrow! I'm so dead. Haven't done proper training since...KLIM. that's a long time ago. My run must be slacking now. My cycling was a proven disaster at Cyfora. and i won't even imagine how my swim is going to turn out.

seriously, may the good forces of Power bars and gels be with me.

1 comment:

  1. Ren you'd do great at A Famosa! Woo hoo! see you there!
