Saturday, March 17, 2007


Being on the Team Elite makes me feel like a superstar. I have people congratulating me, people I've never met before. I am now on the same team as many of the people I envy and idolise. I can drop names and say that we're teammates! *wink* I get pressured to perform. Which is actually a good thing because i think i'm way too lenient on myself. But the coolest part of it all, is the free stuff i get. Seriously.

Every. Single. Time. I go to collect my bars and gels I get something free. Water bottles, water bottles with Ironman logos (yup makes a whole big difference), countless of t-shirts, caps, visors, u name i went to collect my free Powerbar imprinted Mizuno running vest! woots! it's the BOMB. i'm loving it so much. Eventhough it's a size bigger than i prefer. But I love it! Though wearing it means I'm telling the world that I'm on the team. That would cause undue pressure on my ego, which will incidentally cause undue pressure on my legs too.

Then again, I'm already telling the world I'm on the team right now aren't I?

I'm so loving it! :)


  1. hmm.. if u dont want the water bottles "without Ironman logos", i wouldnt mind taking them =p
