Monday, March 05, 2007

headache ar!

i've had a headache all day long. it's not exactly migrane material but it's there and it's throbbing. i blame the sweltering heat and the menstruation cycle. i thought maybe it'd go away if i took in some oxygen. so i went for a run in the evening to make sure i breathe in a bit of outside air. unfortunately outside air didn't do much good. i had a good run, but i came home with an even heavier head.

i think it's the stress. the selling of books, the selling of installation tickets, the selling project to clients, the selling! i'm a marketing major student and i HATE selling!

oh by the way...please try to come for the following event:

Circle K Annual Installation
date: 10th March 2007, Saturday
time: 5 pm - 8.30 pm
theme: Retrospect
venue: Metropolitan College
fee: RM20 (RM5 rebate if you come dressed according to theme)

It's open to everyone. we've got some pretty nice performances lined up. plus, we're a charity can't turn your back on charity right?? hehe...

so come come...if you do i'll love you for life i promise...:)


  1. saikaiball king, pls support!!!! payback time.

  2. charity!!! how not to???... will be there....

  3. ahaha sure boh?

    i think i must collect downpayment first leh...

  4. saikaiball, it, just bank the $$$ into galnexdor account.

    ren, wat kind of charity izit, i can donate rm40 for 2 tix but i wont be turning up, give it to your frenz or u used it. do u hv a maybank a/c?

  5. uncle choi...did u just miss 1 "0" or
    a few other "0"s in yr donation?

  6. uncle choi: thats very nice of u. we're having a few projects coming up la, so this is basically fundraising. we're planning to bring an orphanage to watch movie, buy them household supplies, visit a home for battered women, and maybe we'll go to SPCA...:) i dun have a maybank acc but my dad has. will give the number to u on msn..

    ben: ahahha...evil...

  7. ben, do ur part first, DTTO !!!!

    ren: give me the account no, and i will let you know the donation amount.
