Friday, February 16, 2007

Pisang Falls

Some few days ago, immediately after i got home from Camerons, Ronald asked me if i'd like to go waterfall hunting. Yep, talk about good timing. With all the nature loving semangat punping in my heart, waterfall hunting? river trekking? Hell yeah!

So a date was set, and Shakti, Dektos, Ronald and myself went off heading towards Genting/Gombak area in Search of Pisang Falls. I drove because I wanted to know where it is so i could bring more people there next time. It was a bit of a pity that only 4 of us went today. Would've been much more fun if there were like....10! ahahah...
Quite frankly, i've never river hiked before. I am, and (I think) will always be, a land person. I just don't do so well in the water. Like how ducks have webbed feet to swim, my feet are probably made for the land. Throw me upstanding roots, criss crossing branches and puddles of mud, and i'd dodged them for u just fine. But the moment i get into the water, i slip, trip and pretty much get myself wet all over. But i had fun nontheless...nothing beats getting myself dirty in the arms of Mother Nature.

The short hike was a refreshing change from Irau. The secondary grass, lalang, unkempt bushes and sandy ground was very different. Not as beautiful to look at, but not a stroll in the park as well. It took us barely an hour before we reached the Falls. It was quite beautiful.
After dipping myself in icy cold water at Camerons, this water felt like a heated pool. haha okay, maybe not. But it was hell much easier to take a dip than in Camerons. Water was cooling and the falls provided a great massage. We started a fire to barbeque food stuff like chicken wings, potatoes, roti pratha, marshmallows...ahah darn fun la!
It was a good quiet outing. I know, quiet n outdoors don't usually go hand in hand but this time around it worked. Thanks for the fun guys!


  1. Karen:

    Yaloh..this waterfall last time is always went bkt tabur train ,then came here for relax one.

    I bring PM1 gang one time also.Nice also..just be ask all ppls who going there to love and care the places..don throw rubbish woh..haha !!

    p/s:u gang always BBQ one ah ?

  2. really?

    haha oh nola...this is the first time i go bbqing with this grp of ppl...

    haha bbq at home got la...=)

  3. Gonna need to redirect some of my traffic to your site for pictures... >___<

    Thanks for looking after the newbie... Chillings waterfall next? :X Or Ampang Falls?

  4. not ampang falls near old bentong road.u can see it just after the bridge,board write the jungle lodge..then turn left...go by river side,or climb up mt.cause nowday not allow going water pam liao...!! but walk only 30mins to 50mins nia...hehe...karen went is hot always went is after raining day...waterfall so nice and cold woh...!! Shooook !!!!

  5. dektos: yes yes...increase my hits...=) nola...ure alright wat...i fell more times than u...ahaha

    irvin: ahah yea...i guess...

    tey: hahaha one day i follow u go la...see how chi kek it is...:)

  6. Ren:Ok..ok...hehe !!

    But if u want excitig is Tahan trip lah,try to follow any of your gang group,kuala tahan up n down 110km.

    Oh ya,read my blog,see u gang got interest in taman negara eco or not ? tough race leh...hehe,4 in a team event.

  7. yea i saw...the taman negara eco x...hahah looks nice...i feel like going...but im scared i'll die halfway...ahahah

  8. oh's so hot :D
