Tuesday, February 27, 2007

first day of school

for years, i've actually looked forward to the first day of school. Surprising i know, but back in school when we get new classmates, new classrooms and new teachers every year, the first day was always an adventure. but that's when it stops also la. the 2nd day pretty much zaps me back into school loathing mode.

anyway, today, i had my first class of Year 3. and i was late. ha! some first impression there. owell, wasn't the latest! =)


did i mention i owe a lot of people tags? here's one more. :)

[ x ] Talked back to a teacher. Once, to the Diciplinary Head. heh.
[ x ] Been kicked out of class. By Pn Gee the music teacher. she threw my book out too.
[ ] Worn pajamas to school.
[ x ] Had your tooth fall out at school.
[ x ] Gotten lost in your school. I wasn't gifted with a good sense of direction.
[ x ] Broken the dress code in school. Coloured hair scrunchies, more than one earring on one yr...etc.
[ x ] Completely failed a test. Add math...horror!
[ ] Left class without asking.
[ ] Missed a whole week of school.
[ x ] Thrown up in school. Hasnt everyone?
[ x ] Been beat up at school. Not beaten up entirely, but i got strangled by some dudes.

*oh dear...that's a lot of x's under school confessions!

[ x ] Argue with your parents a lot. i wouldn't say a lot. but yea it happens often enough, sigh.
[ x ] Argue with your brother(s) a lot. haha...all the time man...even thru MSN.
[ ] Argue with your sister(s) a lot.
[ x ] Have your own room.
[ x ] Do your own laundry.
[ x ] Cook dinner once in a while. awfully seldom though.
[ x ] Are loud and obnoxious at home.
[ ] Wear pyjamas when you are not going anywhere.
[ x ] You sleep in very long. geez, yes i need help. i think if nothing wakes me up i'll sleep forever.
[ ] All you do is watch television.
[ ] Your parents are divorced.
[ ] your family makes you cry alot.
[ ] One or both of your grandparents live with you.
[ ] You can't stand being with your parents.

[ x ] You currently dislike one or more of your friends. dislike is not as strong as hate. we have our differences. everyone does right?
[ x ] You are jealous of one or more of your friends. yea, everyone who's got someone to hold.
[ x ] You have known a friend your whole life. er...Ive known Jude and Mei Ling since 6?
[ ] Your friends are all taller than you.
[ x ] You have been ditched by a friend.
[ x ] You have memorized a friends phone number.
[ x ] You have lost/forgotten a friends phone number.
[ ] You have been to all of your friends houses.
[ x ]you love most of your friends.

[ ] You bite your nails.
[ ] You have an odd obsession with knives.
[ ] You cannot sleep with the door closed.
[ ] You cannot sleep with the door open.
[x] There is at least one sound you cannot stand. screeching nails probably
[ ] You write stories about mad cannibalistic serial killers
[ ] You are good at telling lies

[x]You currently like someone.
[ ] You want to kill one of your exes.
[ ] You can stay commited for an unusually long time.
[ ] You get bored of your crush/bf/gfeasily.
[ ] A crush/bf/gf has called you a bitch before.
[ ] A crush/bf/gf has called you self-centered before.

*ah! only one x! man i'm so proud of my love confessions!

[ ] You hate George Bush.
[ x ] Abortion is horrible and should be illegal. yup...and u know one way to reduce abortion? make pre marital sex illegal too! i know a lot of ppl are gonna gun me down for this.
[ ] Gay marriage is fine by you.
[ x ] Boys make better friends than girls do. at times yea...
[ x ] The beach is an excellent place for a date. but the jungle is better...muahahah
[ x ] Pink is an ugly color. i just HAD to x this.
[ x ] Needles aren't so horrible.
[ ] Human flesh tastes like fine aged veal
[ x ]You have plenty of secrets. everyone does la...

[ x ] Fallen up the stairs. more than i can count. i'm a klutz
[ ] Someone has tied your shoelaces together.
[ x ] Had a nail fall off. from working in Tumble tots. hahaha
[ ] Captured, Manipulated, or Destroyed a soul by Ars Falcis
[ ] Had surgery.
[ x ] Slapped someone across the face. yes, in standard 3. and he had a crush on me. ha!
[ ] Killed someone.
[ ] Someone has called you a tease.
[ ] You have been to Europe.
[ ] You have worn something inside out for a whole day.

and i'm lazy to tag. coz i doubt anyone's rajin enough to do this. haha...but yea, now you guys know me even better. ooh...lucky me. *cocks eyebrow*


  1. I like how you didn't X in can't sleep with the door closed AND with the door open. Hahhah, I think you can even sleep ON a broken door lah.

    Haven't left class without asking? What about entering other people's class without asking? Also no? Looks like you aren't the rebel you think you are... and I'm not the angel everyone think I am. Hahhah.

  2. ahahha...

    eh i should tag u man!

    TAG! you're it...go do this tag now!

  3. Hmm... I like to differentiate myself from you below 21 years old bloggers... don't know how a tagging game would look like on old man blog like mine.

  4. ala...high n mighty la now...ive tagged ppl double our ages la...

    there's a first time for everything la...
