Wednesday, January 17, 2007

when i'm no longer in charge

today was my first group discussion with the other girls regarding our upcoming group assignment. now i was never a big fan of group assignments. as much of a people person as i may seem, there are certain things in life which i prefer to fly solo. assignments are one of them. for the simple reason, i have a certain way of doing things which i have realised is not the way a lot of people do things. but i digress.

so today i realised that this time around, i have a very very different team of members. usually my teammates are pretty blur about what goes on in class and are very willing to just accept whatever task i throw at them, within reason, of course. and though there were times where i wished my teammates were more in the know about things, i never really thought about how much easier they had made things for me in the past. because now i've got a team of girls who, like me, are very opinionated and, like me again, have each their own ways of doing things.

back then, my group discussions barely last an hour. and that does not account for the 15-20 minutes delay in my teammate's arrivals. which means discussions last for no more than 30 minutes tops. guess how long we discussed today? one and a half hours. and the reason it ended was coz lecture was starting. *eyes bewildered*

so...this is new for me. not that it's bad or anything. just new. and a new year is about changes right?


  1. hhahaha, yea i have the same feeling with assignments... always like to do them alone..

  2. ahah owell like my bro said...dealing people are very much part n parcel of life...


  3. For me.. its my way or the highway... LOL!!! That's why Ronald says I'm a tyrant... and I take that as a complement... XD

  4. ahahha...ok just so u know, ronald reads this blog too...hahah
