Monday, January 29, 2007

happiness is a state of mind

"why would anyone want to have an online journal? so nice meh sharing your personal thoughts with the world?" said he when i shared this site with him.

well, HE who said that now owns a blog. and being the nice and dutiful sister that i always am *ahem ahem* i figured he could use some readers. so for the triathlon/running enthusiats out there, people who enjoy indulging in race and training reports, or simply people who would enjoy reading about the 23 year old Malaysian senior accountant residing in Perth, Happiness is a state of Mind is the blog to read.

here's food for thought. if you think that what i do is intense, then u should read his blog coz i do like an eigth or a tenth of what he does. :)


  1. Thanks, sis. Really appreciate it. Also been blog surfing/stalking. Lots more intense people out there. I don't even cycle outside my house remember?

  2. ahahah...yea man...

    but no one can beat the slacker in me la...:) i honestly do not know how i do my races man...ahahah

  3. oh and i cant believe we've resorted to communication through our blog comment systems...

    sad come i dun see u online ar? oh...i think its me...come online too late...=P
