Saturday, January 06, 2007


i can't remember when was the last time i met up with Ben but i'm currently wondering why i never tried to sooner. i just came home from a brief yumcha session with the boy, alongside Dr. Chong and my deary Lyn. and it was fun! Ben is amazingly animated...even more than before.

i've always had a funny friendship with Ben. We were from the same primary school. He used to walk to my house as a kid because the bus drops him off very very early on Fridays. So we'd try breaking into my own house, because i was then looked after by a neighbour. and when we achieve that, we'd make a ruckus with the radio and the mic and whatnots. it was good crazy fun for 7-8 year olds.

then there was a point in Standard 5 or so, where Ben became increasingly annoying with every passing day. i had loathed him so much that so many times i wanted to punch him in the mouth. i vividly remember (with much horror) the time Ben took my board game chips and placed them in his socks to act as weights. he'd swing them around like a boat's propellers. it was downright disgusting!

and then there was secondary school where it was more of a hi-bye situation. we weren't the best of friends, but the friendship remained cordial throughout. there was a brief moment when i was in scouts. which probably was out bridging point. apart from that...i dont recall us hanging out much.

then college came, and for some reason i was writing him Friendster testimonials and we were talking to each other on a regular basis. i even remember driving all the way to KL with Fu Wen and Lyn to watch some performance of his in the Actors Studios. haha...and catching HipHopera as well as BOTB.

and now, with him in Auckland, we chat online occasionally and he sends me stuff about his band, asking me to proof-read really really jargon-ish engineering work and pretty much crap about a lot of stuff.

it's funny. i don't know why i'm so tickled about this but it's funny...and all i can think about now is DARN why didn't i take a picture with him just now.

haha Ben...ben....


  1. recollecting old childhood memories aye?..haha..last time when i met roshida we were just talkin about the boy we sat beside with in class during std 6..haha she set with some boy i set with some other boy and we both"pairs" always "gaduh" one..haha box each other like tat..till Blue-black..haha u ask rosie and see...

    those were the dayss...=)

    probably u taking a pic with ben cause his part of your Memory..and now u thot get a "hard copy" pulak..hahahahaha =p

  2. haha yeala...i forgot to take a picture with him! darn...

  3. I feel so honoured.. Kekekek. :op
