Friday, December 22, 2006

and the running begins... daily morning runs with brother dearest have begun. at 7 am the past 2 mornings, i have been sweetly woken up by Anna Nalick's Breathe, thanks to the oh-so-fabulous hand-me-down 3G-mp3-walkman-watchamacallit handphone my brother gave me. and for the past 2 mornings, ive been feeling pretty good. :) so i hope to continue this routine of mine and hopefully by January, i'll be ready for the Great Eastern 30km run. Yes, a guy called Meng whom i met at the NCS run somehow drove me to participating in a 30 km run. so...bring it on....:)


i met up with Jerry and Terry and Iiko (yes i know...interesting names, interesting people) in 1 Utama today. Jerry came from Singapore, so i decided to bring them to Chilli's for lunch. More because i was craving a good western meal. But a good, delicious western meal cost me a lot of money today. but owell, it's a sunk cost now. i had a good time, i enjoyed my meal. :)

the funny thing was, as i fetched Iiko out from ss2, i received a call from Chiat, strangely. who would've guessed that my funky white sunnies can be recognized even when i'm driving the new Myvi. hehe...:)

oh! and we tried out the batting cage in 1U!! it's so fun! and not that pricey too! ha...i could get used to cheap physical fun. :)

i'll wait for Iiko to send me the pics...:)


today we met our external director for our Grease Musical Production next year. It's gonna be so much fun! now why wasn't i blessed with a singing voice??? you know what they always say about singers? everyone loves a crooner. you can be ugly as hell, have a stinkin attitude, and yet people love you the moment you open your mouth to sing. you dont see people getting too thrilled when a little miss runner comes around. haha...

well anyway, i hope i actually get to be IN the play, and not in the stage crew...actually i wanna be Rizzo! haha...


the G5 class of 2004 gathered at my humble abode today. some of which i have not seen in 2 years. it's amazing how time really flies. but it's always good to see old friends again. i especially loved the christmas present/souvenir/2 years of missed birthday presents which Kevin gave to me. i still cant believe he gave me a hydra pack!

Kevin Hui if you're reading this, thanks again! i really really love it!

well, another gathering, another's not so painful to leave some of these guys, coz i know i'll see them again soon. but for the rest, i guess there's just no telling when we'll ever meet again! I miss them already.'s not like we were really tight, but it's just the mere thought of probably having to wait for another 2 years that kinda dampens my spirits.

anyway, i didnt really have time to take pictures. so here's a group pic. :)

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