Saturday, November 25, 2006

i dont want to just settle for you

i see you...
as someone that i can talk to
someone who shares the fun
to smile with and laugh with
and reminisce through things we've done

i see you...
as someone who looks out for me
who makes sure i'm home safe and sound
who treats me with pride and generosity
as someone i'd feel safe around

yet when i need a shoulder to cry on
a hug to say that things are okay
when i need someone who understands
who knows without having me to say

when i think of someone who'd back me up
who'd give me faith when i have fallen
whose hands are there to pull me up
and tell me just how far i have gotten

when i see the person who knows me through
who sometimes know me more than i do
who'd say the right words and do the right things
try as i might, i can't seem to picture you

and that is what hurts me the most
for never again would i want to go through
the path i took that point in time
never again do i want to just settle for you...

i told Ju that i think i have the tendency to cheat next time. because i'm a stubborn mule who refuses to accept and move on. i sing, everyday, Hinder's Lips of an Angel with such emotion that i could've fooled people into believing that i wrote it. it's silly, i know. i tell myself, if you don't want to cheat then don't! simple and logical, innit? it is everything but. and i'm not liking myself very much for it. so yea...self bashing mechanism initiated. readers, be warned.


on a brighter note, i got my hair highlighted today from The Academy for RM30. and i'm pretty happy with the results :)


  1. hey galnexdor..i really understand how u feel and honestly i dunt blame u..being in love in obviously the greatest thing on earth and being in love with the right one will be a one will blame u if u fall in love with the wrong person but thats where we learn..
    many assume that cheaters are the devils in a relationships;many fear it,many hate it;many despise and many wished it could juz be gone or praying that cheaters end up dead...but wat they dunt see is how beautiful the love that the so called cheater has to the person he/she be able to cheat or go after another person hu has a companion,one has be truly,madly and terribly in love with that paricular person...and not many can feel that way;many THINK they feel that if in future u tend to cheat,look at it in the bright side..u did it for love not lust and for happiness not juz take it easy alrite..?
    poolerbuoy is always up and running and always there for dun worry alrite?u need anything,i'll be here for u probbie..i'm juz an sms or a phone call
    take care and have fun in OB alrite?i'll definitely miss u but i think shakti will be the one missing u the most..hahahaha..chaoz girl!

    p/s:i hope u understand wat i said,maybe long winded but its the simplest way i could write in..

  2. ahhaha darn long...

    thanks anyways...

  3. show us yr newly highlighted tiga-puluh ringgit punya hairstyle..boleh???
