Tuesday, September 12, 2006

u can run all u like, girl, that wont make u a HD student!

i think i kinda screwed my Finance mid sem exam today. i feel so bad...

..because it was so darn easy
..because i could've easily scored 80% and above for it today
..because i never took the time to sit down and really study
..because i took things for granted
..because i literally tembaked 30-40% of the paper

i'm usually a very contented student. i do what i can, and never have any expectations. i never really believed i can do better than what i did, because i know that given a second chance, i wouldn't have studied any harder than i had. after a paper i never rush to my notes to see if the guesses i made were correct. i never compared notes with friends. i prefer to look at it as 1 item down, x more to go.

today, for the first time in my life, i felt like i seriously could've done better. a whole lot better. i was tired. i went to bed early last night after running through my notes. this morning i woke up 20 minutes earlier to run through them again. i thought i has grasped sufficient information. turned out, i grasped a fistfull of sand, which gradually slipped through my fingers as i did my paper.

sigh. my lecturer is going to be so disappointed in me. i swear this will not happen in finals.


on a brighter note, my knees no longer hurt. it did this morning, but it's all good now, like newly lubricated hinges of a door. er...ok bad metaphor.

trivia on Karen's legs.
i'm bowl legged. not only that, both my legs bowl at different degrees, causing me to run awkwardly. my brothers say i tend to swing my right leg. my own observation finds that my right foot pronates a lot more than my left coz my right leg is more bent. after the 21 km, my right knee hurt a lot more than my left knee, but my left foot's plantar(sole of foot) was much more sore than my right's.

i'm no podiatrist, but my instincts tell me i need a different kind of shoes for each foot. =)

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