Saturday, September 09, 2006

the dinner, the College Day and the rock concert

there was this dinner on Friday night, supposedly as a farewell to those flying off to UK and as a celebration for Peijien and Ju's birthday. it was funny that after all these while of "Let's get out of Subang la wei" we finally settled for a somewhere in Subang. And of all places, Kim Gary. haha...i miss that place tho. It's been a while. french toast...mmm...

i didn't quite like this gathetring to be honest. first of all, we were so late. i swear i'm developing gastric. we only ate at about 9.30, after circling the darn pyramid parking for aeons! then, we were separated into 2 groups. and when everything was going pretty well, they lunged into darn stupid topics of discussions. after that, we were supposed to go bowling, but since i had college day the next day and we had to be in college by 6.30 am, i was really reluctant to.

anyway. pics for the night.

weng lum, anne, julie
me, daniel, kenny

julie and her birthday present


College Day is an event for all the colleges under the Inti group. There was Inti College Malaysia (Nilai), Inti College Subang Jaya, Inti College Genting and Metropolitan College (Ya, kami dijajah!). I thought it was a Sports Day but it turned out it was more like a games carnival. They have food and games stalls, telematches, athletics, basketball, street soccer, debate, ping pong - everything! it's pretty exciting.
I was quite amazed at the spirit of some of these students. especially Inti College SJ. their march past was pretty fantastic. i wonder why i've never heard them practising. if i did, i would've gone over and spied a little. hehe...hey, survival of the fittest, people. it's a dog eat dog world out there.:)

What i liked about it was the Sports Day atmosphere. i'm a sucker for team spirit, people cheering, sportsmanship - i can stand under the sun all day without complaining as long as there's the blazing spirit of sports! i really really miss Sports Days.

anyway i signed up for 800m, coz it's the longest. But the turn up for athletics was pretty pathetic. i had to fight the temptation to sign up last minute for 200m n 400m. but i didn't want to exert myself too much. so i stuck to my 800m race. there were only 2 of us, just like how there were only 2-3 participants for the other events. i got gold, though it's not much of an achievement since my oponent was running in jeans. *shrugs* clocked 4 minutes 4 seconds. =)

anyway, had fun. metro brought home several medals n prizes. go metro! next year, i'll march an army of athletes into the arena! just you wait, all you Intis!

Rock4Hope rocked! hehe...the turn up wasn't too good. but i have to say, Deja Voodoo Spells and A Day At The Zoo are pretty darn good. I'm not really a rocker chic. The only rock i enjoy are pretty much those along the lines of Jail House Rock. I have to say that my wmp is filled with pop and RnB songs. Okla, so i have a couple of Bon Jovis and GunsNroses. And if Nikelback is Rock then, well, i have that too. but that's about it.
But these 2 bands were good. they got me bobbing my head and tapping my feet. but i guess i only enjoyed it was coz it was loud and live. i have this theory that if a song is blasted aloud, you'll tend to like it no matter how bad it is. well, as long as it has a beat.

though i probably would've had a much better time at a hip hop concert, i give Rock4Hope 4/5 stars, 2 of which goes to the basist of Deja Voodoo Spells for the Mario Brothers theme song and their drummer, for the amazing drum solo!

rocker enough? i tried...

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