Monday, August 07, 2006!

ive always loved to climb. trees were my specialty. my dad brags stories of how i'd used to run out to the back of my house as a child, sit up on a tree and sulk when i was unhappy. i don't really recall doing that, but i did climb lots of trees. i'd still do if they had not chopped off my favourite branches.

a trip to Camp 5 yesterday was the very thing i needed. Kelvin was in town and i figured its about time i use my 10 passes before they expire. I never really liked climbing in Camp5 on Sundays because its usually packed with taster sessions, but yesterday was alright. there were more season climbers than beginners. and most of the staff on duty were the senior staffs as well. so it was like meeting all the old friends again. especially adam *melts*.

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Tan poh leng & Kelvin

Climbing along with kelvin and i were tan poh leng and hooi lian. hooi lian had friends to meet up with. Turned out her friend was a funky middle aged woman with a hyperactive 20-something son! so cool! they gave me a lot of pointers. there was this particular orange route on the top floor which i was never able to nail since the first time i climbed at Camp5. i told myself that i would nail it before i resigned. and i never did.

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Wendy and son, Bali
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HooiLian, Bali, Poh Leng

Wendy belayed me. she had just completed it and was trying to help me do the same. however with whatever power invested in me, i lost again. my arms are completely useless sometimes. it took me a long long time to get just halfway. disappointed, i headed on to the boulder. perhaps my ego can be boosted there.

Bouldering turned into a camwhoring session instead. i think all of us were dragging our hands alread, that's why. except for Bali who was happily jumping up and down like a frisky lamb. Foong and Devan dropped by.

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camwhoring on top of the boulder

before i left, i had to give the orange route another try. Hooi Lian was kind enough to belay me. I think one would have to be very patient to be my belayer. oh, and very alert too, since i fall so often. with my repeated screams whenever i fell, i managed to gather quite an audience beneath me. felt quite embarrassed coz the route aint exactly hard. but owell, Tang wei or something was throwing me lots and lots of pointers. everyone else were basically giving me lots of support. with all the comotion, it would've been a downright pity if i still did not make it.

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don't u just love battle scars?

thank God i did. :)

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