Wednesday, July 26, 2006

what happened at yoga

i realised i've not spoken a word on my new interest - yoga. 2 months back, my mum had some trouble sleeping and was looking around for a healthier solution than taking drugs. so we tried out yoga. Mrs Khaw, formerly my gimrama coach, is now a yogi [this is what they call yoga instructors] and so i guessed it would be cool to go for classes under her. i'd been training under her for 8 years, so it seemed natural to be under her again. 2 reasons why i joined yoga: 1. to accompany my mum [some mother-daughter quality time] 2. i'm stiff as papan. i miss my flexibility. :) we've been yoga-ing for 2 months now. and it's been good! :)

today, however, paints a different picture. today was the first day of my so-called no-carbs-diet. actually it started with dinner yesterday. i tried having dinner with absolutely no rice. i had meat, veggie, soup, pretty much everything served last night. i just skipped rice, which seems like a reasonable option. for supper i had oats. this morning i had 1 piece of bread for breakfast, coupled with 2 small bananas. then i had lunch, once again without rice. but i ate a lot of veggie, i swear. sometime at about 5 pm i had oats again. then it was off for yoga at 6.45 pm.

during yoga, i was feeling a bit drained of energy. i tried to push that aside, but i was having trouble holding any pose tonight. i was getting a bit worried, but i figured i'd just pull through this class and have a more decent dinner when i got home. when we got to standing poses, i was getting light headed. i could really feel the energy draining away and by this time i got pretty scared actually. i remained quiet, and still tried to focus. but i was zoning out on intervals.

then for a moment, i saw black. just for a moment. a mere second. no one knew actually. coz i wasn't "gone" for long. but i felt it. i actually blacked out for a second. this really freaked me out.

i went easy on myself for the rest of the class. after class, i confessed to my mum, who started lecturing me. so for dinner, i had rice again. feeling much better now.

thus, my no-carbs-diet has come to an end. so it lasted less than 24 hours. i am rather disappointed with myself for lasting such a short while. but the mere thought of me being a potential patient of eating disorder really scares me.

i'm still trying to shed a few pounds. but absolutely no rice was a silly idea made with an obviously delusional mind frame. i think i'll stick to eating only when i'm hungry. don't worry guys. i'm okay.

yes yes, i should've known better. i know now.

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