Saturday, July 22, 2006

PD tri tomorrow!

Tomorrow's PD International Triathlon. travelling with me to PD is Isaiah and Yixi. So for the next 2 days, my parents will have 2 "foster" sons to take care of. The funny thing here is that my parents have been told by a fortune teller before they started a family that they can have as many sons as they like, but they will only have 1 daughter. And true to that, i am a proud daughter a family of 5. My parents, my 2 brothers and moi. And even now, they've got 2 other "foster" sons in their hands. It's a pity I've got more guy friends than girls. They would've loved a "foster" daughter once in a while.

Expectations? N/A. I havent been cycling. I only did 2 swimming sessions since the last tri. My running's improved but i don't want to raise my own hopes. So i'm thinking a 15 minute swim for 400m, a 1 hour bike for 18 km, and a 25 minute run for 3 km? i'm giving myself a lot of allowance. :) for the next day, i'm aiming at a 1 hr 10 k run. *fingers crossed*

It's that time again, where i bid farewell to my dear aussie educated friends. One by one they're flying off back to where they came from. i'll join them one day. :)

"Good Day"

I say to myself
Self, why are you awake again? It's one a.m.
Standing with the fridge wide open, staring
Such a sight, florescent light
The stars are bright
Might make a wish, if I believed in that shit
As it is, I might watch TV
Cause it's nice to see people more messed up than me
I say to myself, as I smile at the wall, should let myself fall

It's gonna be alright, no matter what they say
It's gonna be a good day, just wait and see
It's gonna be alright, cause I'm alright with me
It's gonna be, it's gonna be, it's gotta be

I shiver, shut the door
Can't think standing here no more
I'm alone, my mine's racing, heart breaking
Can you be everything I need you to be?
Can you protect me like a daughter?
Can you love me like a father?
Can you drink me like water?
Say I'm like the desert, just way hotter.

The point of it all
Is that if I should fall
Still your name I'll call

It's gonna be all right, no matter what they say
It's gonna be a good day, just wait and see
It's gonna be okay, cause I'm okay with me
It's gonna be, it's gonna be

As long as we laugh out loud
Laugh like we're mad
Cause this crazy, mixed up beauty is all that we have
Because what's love but an itch we can't scratch, a joke we can't catch
God, but still we laugh

Get back in bed, turn off the TV
You say "I'll be alright baby, just wait and see."

It's gonna be alright, it's gonna be okay
It's gonna be alright, just wait and see

It's gonna be alright, no matter what they say
Gonna be a good day, just wait, just see
Gonna okay, cause I'm okay with me
It's gonna be, it's gonna be, it's gonna be...okaaaay

uh-oh, i'm awake again, it's one am
staring, such a sight, at least the stars are bright.

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