Sunday, June 11, 2006

studying frenzy

And so it begins.
Crack your heads, buy your pens, dig out those past year questions, highlight those notes, and cover those zits! ok...maybe the last statement was more for the girls.

Finally, i'm taking a step into the finals week. In exactly 3 more days, i'd be sitting for my first paper. In exactly 5 and a half more days, i'd be having a temporary relief as i wait for the next paper. and in exactly 11 days and 10 hours, i'd be staring intently at the clock on the wall of Lecture Theatre 1, praying that minutes will turn into seconds and seconds into miliseconds. and then, i'm through with Sem 3!

back to present time, i have actually just started my studying. as in the actual reading and absorbing of information. for those of you who witnessed me saying "Gotta study! see ya!", in actual fact, i meant "Gotta go print those slides and journals that i've been meaning to print for months". Yup, i've been printing and printing and printing an entire semester's worth of lecture slides and journal articles for Organisational Behaviour and Administrative Management. So the real studying just started.

I've actually got quite a lot to cover and by the rate i'm going, i'm probably never going to finish everything in time. But i never learn. Time and time again, i'll leave everything to the last minute. And time and time again, i'd be cramming information into my head in the wee hours of the morning before the exam. But it actually works for me this way.

I'm not exactly gonna say that i'll be off blogging for a while due to exams...coz i know that's not gonna happen. I'll try to abstein but that really is my own issue. So don't fret, i wont be gone long. maybe not at all. :)

Did i ever mention procrastination is a skill? :)

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