Tuesday, June 06, 2006

for the better

whoa...5.23 am.

yup, i am finally done with the CB102 Take Home Exam. I have inadequate sources but what the hell. I tried. I can't say i agree with the whole assignment slash final exam concept. It stresses me twice as much and works me twice as hard. Yet the results are under par. I seriously think i can do better with a proper final exam.

Anyway, the completion of this assignment/exam marks the end of all written assignments for the semester. Just pure studying-required exam papers next. 3 to be exact. Once again i'm caught aback by how quickly time flew. Upon completion of this semester, i'm half a year closer to pursuing my own dream.

Over the course of the past 6 months, I've gone through a lot more than any other 6 months of my life.

I suffered a terrible loss when my beloved grandmother passed on. I went so many nights crying myself to sleep, unable to really accept the fact.

I made a lot of new friends, the ones in Camp 5 as well as the ones who went to Mt Kinabalu. And all of them, in one way or another, made a big impact in my life.

I went on a trip with my college friends. That's an improvement for the anti-social loner of Metropolitan College. Made college life a tad more interesting after that. I remember something Ms Choong, my econs lecturer in sem 1, said to me : tertiary education is nothing without friends to support you along the way. She can't be any more true. :)

I crawled and hobbled through one of the worst heartaches i've ever been through. I moved on and that's all that matters.

I had(still having actually) the worse running stage of my life. Only to discover a medical flaw in my body - something i never thought i would find out. Now waiting for the day i am fully recovered.

I bridged a hidden gap that i had with my brother, making me feel so close to him now, eventhough he's so far away.

I had earned several paycheques in my name before settling on a steady income while having a great time on the job.

I paid for two (actually still paying for one) of my major expenses which includes flying across borders.

I cooked my family lunch! Ok just my dad, my brother and my maid. but heck, i cooked!

I read 2 books. From cover to cover.

I drove to A Famosa and competed in the sprint all by myself! and gave my dad a shock...make that several shocks.

I got to know my other grandmother better when she stayed here for a couple of weeks. Got a lot closer to her and my aunt who comes daily to visit.

I went to a house party with my dad and my little brother. A wine drinking party. How weird is that? :)

I choreographed and am going to perform a hip hop number SOLO.

And finally....

hehe...no i actually don't have a 'grand finale' to end the list. It was tabulated in random order. But you can see how i've lived the past 6 months. I actually think I've changed.

For the better....:)

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