Saturday, June 03, 2006

the crazy take-home exam

so you see, the Curtin University Business Faculty's Consumer Behaviour Unit Controller thought it would be funny to tease us students. You know, like...

"The students have been having it easy, what with bonus assignments and reference free group projects. Let's make them cite 10 journal articles minimum for this take home test and see them squirm! Oh! and let's post the question up at midnight on 3rd of June and make the deadline on the 6th of June! Muahahaha" *rubs hands in glee*

Ten Friggin' Journal Articles? in 4 friggin' days?

Seriously, can they be any meaner? what's the use of having a required quantity of citations anyway? I mean, why can't they just rely on the content of our essays and from there, see for themselves how well we've been researching and how wisely we can apply them? I mean if i have a couple of journals which totally gives me everything i need to answer the question (coz seriously, the questions are quite straight forward) then why not let me? Instead, they prefer i find 10 friggin' journals so i can cite the same idea over and over again, where they can later penalise me for repetitive answers.

But you know what did the great Santiago say when he wanted to reach the pyramids? Do you know what he did? He said "maktub!" and he reached his treasure. Because when you really want something to happen, the whole universe conspires so that your wish comes true.

So, Ian Phau, Unit Controller of Consumer Behaviour 102 of Curtin Business School, watch out for my essay! ID number 1324***9, coz it's gonna blow your wig mind off...


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