Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Reasons for not blogging...

It has been a while...

I've had a lot of things going was a crazy week and i was forced to cancel 2 appointments in my schedule because i failed to cope. Anyway, now that i'm done with most of it, i finally have the time to sit down and blog. And there are a gazillion things i wanted to say. But they were more of those at-that-moment stuff which by now its effects has worn off. So i'm just gonna mention the currently most significant event of my life.

I got my blood test results back just now. The moment i stepped into the room, Dr. Loo told my parents to sit down. He said that he saw something wrong and decided to send my blood for another test. He said that he now knew the answer to all my doubts. There was a list of stuff there which looked like Greek to me. Dr. Loo was really nice to explain one by one in detail (and in layman terms too, might i add). I felt like i was reliving Bio classes in Taylor's. :)

Here's the deal.

I've got a high total of Red Blood Cells in my body. The average is between 4.0 - 5.5 and i've got 5.8

I've got a low Mean something volume (MCV), which is the volume of the cell. Average 82-89 and i've got 76

I've also got a low MCH, which is something i forgot. Average 27-33 and i've got 24

These are very obvious results for one with Thalassaemia traits. Someone in my bloodline has the Thalassaemia gene! This is the cause of the "heart murmurs" in my pulmonary vein.

Then under the Liver function, i've got a high total Bilirubin, which i understood as "bad blood". Average 3.4-20.6 and i've got 24.1

and finally, the most important part of all...i've got a very high Free T4 of 33.3v. Average is 9.0-23.9

This FreeT4, according to Dr. Loo has something to do with the thyroid glens. So i'm hyperthyroisite...or something. which means my body produces too much "thyroid stuff". This causes my joints and muscles to weaken, and my heartbeat to go very fast very soon.

He said that is why i feel fatigue very easily. I was wandering why it affects me now and never before. He said that sometimes it comes with hormonal changes and puberty.

But all the gibberish aside, Dr. Loo answered my million dollar question: Can i continue running?

and he says that I CAN RUN!

what a relief! All the worry, the nagging from my mom, the doubt that i'll be able to run in the 15 km, the scolding i get after i sneak out for a run, has gotten me psychologically affected. I was able to run beautifully on last tuesday and wednesday, though i experienced some throbbing in my head after that. But ever since i went for the test, i had chest aches and evern worse breathlessness.

oh least now i'm worry-free. except for the Thalassaemia part. Now that i've got the trait, my future husband must have no trait at all, or I'll risk giving birth to Thalassaemic children. They will suffer. So what am i to do? Screen my boyfriends? So what if the week before my wedding i ask him to take a blood test and it turns out he IS Thalassaemic? Adopt children?

Geez...not only do i have to find someone, now my options are narrowed down to non-thalassaemic guys. Anyone???

Eat my dust in Padang Merbuk this Sunday!


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