Friday, May 19, 2006

how to counter temptations

i've put myself on a diet. no, seriously, i have. eating is what i love most and as i make a graceful entrance into the 20s zone, i realised i've gained some love handles. Jia Yin kept saying it comes with the age so i'm settling for that excuse.

If you didn't know me well enough, let me tell you. i love to eat. i'm a glutton. i pig out whenever i feel like it. and it had never been a problem for me back then. i wasn't exactly a stick but i wasn't growing fat either. i just remained the same. and i would say i'm "blessed" with reall broad shoulders, thus my waist always looked very small.

so i was looking back at some pictures of myself, just a couple or more years ago, and i miss my old look. and i miss some of my old clothes which i currently find "not-so-comfortable" anymore. so yea. i'm putting myself on a diet. nothing too drastic. just cutting down my meals to 3 a day. it used to be 6. hehe...:) ain't easy. takes as much will power as it does to not walk during a run.

i'm currently weighing 56 kgs....ok you can quit gasping now. i know guys who weigh lighter. so i'm just gonna see if i can push that down to 52-53...


So, i won tickets to Grease The Musical. I went just now. and like most remakes, if i hadn't watched the original film, i probably would've enjoyed it more. It was a great production. Just some minor details they left out.

The show started a bit rough when the echoes were resounding like nobody's business. Spoilt the entire Summer Lovin' song.

You know the Grease Lightning song? they didn't do the "This car's automatic...its's hyyyyyyyyyyydromatic...." part. HOW COULD THEY NOT? grr....

and finally...

The Danny Zouko was a lousy dancer. He didn't gyrate as much. i mean it's Grease! how can you not shake your hips??? The supporting males could dance better im my p.o.v. He couldn't pull off the voice either. what a let down...

On the other hand, the colours were pretty. and Sandy did a great job.

My mum yawned a couple of times. There was once she yawned during "hopelessly devoted to you" and i thought she was crying. hahaha....

I bought the VCD eventhough i've already seen it before. Was so in the mood, or rather in need of satisfying my expectations, i watched it the moment i got home. Nothing beats John Travolta. I never realised how charming he was in his younger days. i have to get Saturday Night Fever. Anyone has that??

anyway, think i should get back to my book. :)

I don't steal and I don't lie,
but I can feel and I can cry
In fact I'll bet you never knew, but to cry in front of you,
that's the worse thing I could do

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