Monday, April 03, 2006

i amaze myself...

i started sourcing for information on saturday morning. printed out all that i could find. went to Raub. Didn't do anything but eat. The next morning i was up at 7 am. Went to the cemetery. Returned to my grandma's at about 11 am. Took my bath, and sat down to read through my findings. Outlined the points. Came home and lazed about. Went for Pacesetters. Came home, had bath and dinner. Watched some Nick toons. Came up to my room at 10 pm. Switched on the pc, chatted with friends on MSN. Started my essay at 10.30 pm. Complete it by 12 midnight. 967 words. Went down and had something to munch. Came up and printed everything out. Stapled it and taped it. 12.30 am - basking in my glory. :) i forementioned, procrastination is a skill. Not everyone can work last minute, stress-free i might add. i know...i amaze myself...:)


My inaugural cheng beng experience was an eye openner. Met a lot of my dad's relatives. For some reason they all either think i'm the eldest or i'm still in high school. It proves how little my dad talks about us. Man of few words, he is. :)

Had my own private humour when it came to pulling weeds out around the grave. There were about 3-4 guys, all school leavers aged between 17-19. Their fathers of course wanted to show them off, by asking them to do all the "hard chores". So they asked for gloves from their respective mums, and got to work. I casually joined them in pulling the weeds out with my bare hands, coz seriously, the [insert word for those people who spray chemicals on grass to make them die] did such a good job that all the weeds were dead. One can easily pull them out using minimal strength. needless to say, the guys thought i was nuts. seriously...has the population of brave, strong, outdoor-sy young men depleted that badly???


i went for Pacesetters training today. i know. i'm so proud of meself too. of course i made sure that Coach mani was there. Ah training would be meaningless without him! hehe...him leaving was the whole reason i stopped going there. So when i heard from Mr Wan recently that he's back, i immediately went for training.

Coach Mani is a great coach. He knows every individual's capabilities. He knows just what sort of training to give us. He knows just how much we have to warm up and cool down. And he gives all these crazy forms of work outs which give me excruciating pain the next morning just pulling myself out of bed. I love it!

today he paid me a compliment! He said i slimmed down! to my ears. But really...did i really? i hear that from a lot of people. so far...4 and still counting...and the truth is i've gained weight. 2 kgs minimum! hmmm....i'd love to go "but muscles weigh 3 times heavier than fats"...but i havent really been training hard. I cant explain it....

but feeling great! all thanks to Coach!

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