Saturday, April 29, 2006


i've been very enthusiastic about climbing lately. with the Kinabalu climb around the corner, i've been asking my dad to accompany me to Bukit Gasing very often just so i can work my heart up a bit. Because i realised that i definitely do not have enough cardio training. So anyway, i've been going with an open heart, and an open mind, telling myself that the more i go the fitter i'll be.

i went yesterday morning. Keith decided to come along. I half expected him to be ten times fitter than me, considering the training he goes for. But somehow, it didnt really sink in until we got there. I do have an ego. I really cannot stand being the one to slow people down. That's because i never was. And i wouldnt accept it if i am now. But it seemed that way yesterday morning. As i literally huffed and puffed all the way up just to see my little brother's smug face a the top. Now i know he's just a kid and all kids are proud of their achievement, what more if it involved trashing big sisters. But i was frustrated. I was disappointed. It didnt help that phlegm was still clogging up my nasal passages and that i had immense difficulty breathing.

so when i reached the top, i was already biting back tears of frustration and pain. still trying to redeem myself, i trudged rather clumsily ahead of my dad and brother, until all of a sudden there was a little crack sound and intense crucifying pain shooting at my left ankle. i dropped down to the ground, this time, wailing and sobbing out loud like a little girl. I was ashamed, embarrassed, and very very much in pain.

other people who walked by gave me a look which i intrepret as "inexperienced climber". I sunk deeper into my own pool of frustration. But i was helpless as i couldnt quite stand up. It took me a while before the pain went away a little and i could put weight on it again.

i was still able to walk. up to today. not much pain but the ankle seemed to have swelled up into oblivion. Though walking causes no pain, sitting cross-legged does. I swear, shame never tasted so bitter. I just pray it gets well in exactly 3 days time.

I recently took up a job. It requires a lot of patience. It involves 40 little, adorable girls who look up to me and call me "coach". it's amazing! i have so much fun just making them run around, contort themselves and dance beautifully to music with a rope and a ball. I think when i'm long into this business i'll write a book all about The Best Job In The World!

i could get used to little girls drawing pictures for me...really i could. What i could not is thank my coach, Mrs Khaw, enough for giving me the skills. :)

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