Wednesday, February 15, 2006


if you've been a reader here for a couple of years or more you should know i'm not exactly an avid fan of Valentine's Day. I have not been seeing anyone for a good long while and for that my February 14ths of the past years have been nothing but utter loneliness and distraught.

and to add to the heartache, i was working on V-day 2006. not that i mind actually, since i had nothing better to do. but the thought of working-on-valentine's just seemed S.A.D. don't you think? because as much as i appear to be one of those i-can-live-by-myself-who-needs-guys-kinda-girl, i actually would very much love to celebrate V-day with a loved one. I know people think it's silly to have a day for one to express all forms of love and romance to another. But it's like why have Mother's Day or Father's Day, right? it's symbolic!

anyway, the last straw was when i found out that someone had a girlfriend. Not that i was really into him, but it was possible. He was one of those really nice and sweet guys with polite and kind mannerism. Softspoken, yet had a good sense of humour. Somewhat active and physically good looking. At least, this was what i gathered after knowing him for less than a month. So, you see the odds were that I might fall for this guy come one day.

Sadly, a hickey on his neck was all i needed to tell me to back off. This one's taken. bummer.

Asked a girlfriend out but she refused. Her reason? Ain't no way was she going to sit amidst the sea of lovers, watching them profess their love for each other. Can't blame her. Was eating lunch during my break in 1u and the amount of clingy, touchy, forlornly-in-love couples that were out there made me want to hurl. seriously.

Call me conservative but I'm not an avid fan of PDA either. Get a room!


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